16 Months Post VSG - 99% EWL - 1lb to final goal

Jul 09, 2011

Yay - 16 Months Post VSG and I'm at 99% of my EWL a loss of 139lbs with my final EWL goal of a normal BMI just 1lb away ! - WOW proof that my sleeve really rocks !  I'm just 10lbs away from being half of my former self which is just weird - how on earth did I allow myself to get so big and not notice/care?

If you are considering a VSG or any other form of weight loss surgery - I HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT - my only regret? - I wish I had done it sooner.  Sure I've had to change the way I eat & take a good look at how I was living my life - but was it worth it? - HELL yes ! 

EATING for nutrition and energy is the new 'normal' for me - and heh - what's wrong on feasting of chicken, steak, seafood along with lovely fresh veggies and fruit? - with the occassional treat of ice-cream or a macaroon - the thing is I can do all of this and not feel deprived. 

EXERCISE is a part of my daily life and I miss it when I don't do - I miss the increased energy it gives me, I miss the new friends I've found through it, I miss the 'feel good' seratonin hit I get, I miss the sense of achievement I get when I do something new or work out at a new intensity - or run a 10k or 1/2 marathon - nothing can beat that feeling.

BODY - I'm loving my  new body - now that I've nutured it back to where it should be I'm loving the way in which the weight loss and exercise have toned and firmed me up, I'm loving the results of my plastic surgery which finally remove the saggy bits of me which sadly wouldn't shrink back after too many years of being abused.  I'm loving the fact that I feel sexy and confident.

CLOTHES - I'm enjoying shopping for new clothes (poor hubby's not loving the impact on the bank account !). Now I'm shopping for clothes that I LIKE - not which just FIT ! I'm loving that I'm a size 6-8 (who would have ever thought that?).  I'm loving that I look great in exercise clothes, dresses, a bikini (my first in about 20 years !) & I'm wearing heels - not flat comfy shoes.  I can buy clothes from just about anywhere - not just a few PLUS size shops.


