sharonbgood 22 years, 9 months ago

Corinne - all the best to you as you begin your journey. May G-d bless and keep you in good health and spirits.

Patricia C. 22 years, 9 months ago

Hey Corinne, I'm sorry to hear of your complications but happy to see that you are in good spirits...with everything going on in the world today we need more people like you that can look on the brighter side of life, you will be in my prayers and thoughts until i hear of you coming home from the hospital on the way to a new life. Godspeed to you. Love ya

Krystal G. 22 years, 9 months ago

I have an update on Denise. (she goes by Denise rather than Corinne.) She had her lap RNY on August 6th. Her daugther called me this afternoon to tell me Denise had the misfortune of a leak 3 weeks ago that resulted in a really bad infection in her abdomen. She was admitted right away and had surgery the same night to try and fix the damage. there have been some complications with the attatchment of her small intestines to her new pouch. the doctors had the choice of permanentely reversing the whole gastric bypass surgery or putting a feeding tube in her old stomach to keep food in her system while the new stomach and intestines heal themselves and Denise gains her strength back. they chose the latter, for which Denise is very grateful. In 4 months or so, they will do the gastric bypass procedure again. In the meantime, she is in an extended care facility (they just moved her there today) and can have nothing orally for 4 months. <b>And</b> the poor thing has to have the surgery all over again! I spoke with her today and she is feeling pretty good and is in amazingly high spirits, considering. She said she has no regrets about the surgery, despite the complications. I'm so glad she is on the mend and displaying her wonderful sense of humor throughout this. I'm keeping her in my thoughts and prayers and invite you to do the same. :)

DIANE H. 22 years, 10 months ago

08/10/01--Dear Corrine: I am so glad that your surgery went well and know that you are relieved that it is over with. But this is just the beginning of a new life. I hope everything goes well with your recovery and that you have much success in your weight loss. I, too, had surgery on 08/02/01 and am doing wonderfully well. Good luck in the future. Diane Harris

Nicole B. 22 years, 10 months ago

Hi there congrats on your surgrey i hope mine goes well too.........Niki

Krystal G. 22 years, 10 months ago

I spoke with Corinne a few minutes ago. She was getting ready to go home!! Time flies! She sounds good, just tired. I'm so glad she's going to be going home to her own's so much nicer than the hospital. Good luck Corinne! I can't wait to hear about all the weight coming off!

Vickie C. 22 years, 10 months ago

Corinne, Congratulations on your surgery! I am glad everything went well and I wish you good luck and good health with your recovery. A WLS friend,

Krystal G. 22 years, 10 months ago

**Angel update** I spoke to Corinne this morning and she sounds great!! The surgery yesterday went well and she had no complications. She's already been up a couple of times and has little or no pain. She's just real tired and thirsty. :) She's not up for visitors today (which I completely understand...I just wanted to sleep, not talk) so I'll call her again tomorrow to see how she's feeling. Way to go Corinne!!! I'm SO happy you've made it to the lighter side!

tonitreadway 22 years, 10 months ago

Best wishes to you for a complication-free procedure, a speedy recovery, successful weightloss, and life long good health and happiness!! You are in my thoughts and prayers! Toni Treadway, Georgia.

AngelNTx65 22 years, 10 months ago

Corinne~I wish you the best with your surgery next week.It will be the greatest thing you have ever done for yourself! Keep us posted. God Bless~Kim
About Me
Sunnyvale, CA
Surgery Date
Jan 31, 2001
Member Since
