Diane B. 19 years, 11 months ago

Hi Lynne! Welcome to the AMOS site and congrats on having your surgery!! Welcome my friend! You know you can always come here and get a dose of confidence and good will! Happy RE-birthday to you! Way to go on your weight loss!!! You are on the "Other Side" and now join the ranks of the losers. I’m so glad you found us. We are like a family here and we're ready to support you, lend an ear and not judge. Many people are here to help you along the way. Don't be afraid to ask questions or post on the message boards! We are all in different phases of our weight loss and can offer you many different opinions. Check out the site as it holds so much information. You've made a wise choice joining AMOS! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking about you today. Wishing you much success in your weight-loss journey. Hugs to you today. God bless, DI from NJ - Lap RNY, 12/09/03 -52 lbs -In Loving Memory of Momma Angel-
About Me
Dallas, TX
Jul 05, 2004
Member Since
