Tami D. 21 years, 8 months ago

Karen, The decision to have this surgery is a very difficult one to make. You will second guess your decision whichever way you decide to go. The only words of wisdom I can offer is you need to not spend more time worrying about the possible complications of the surgery then you do worrying about the definate complications of being MO. Realizing that you WILL have complications if you remian MO, and MAY have complications if you have the surgery. I personally had none, and have many others been the same way. BUT you also must be mentally prepared to make the physical and emotional adjustments that are required after surgery if you choose this path. If you feel you are not ready to make those lifestyle changes, wait until you are. Good luck with whatever your decision,and remember regardless of your decision, you are always welcome here at AMOS. Peace and God Bless Tami

Tammy H. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Karen, Yes, this is a very personal decision. I backed out of having the surgery, researched some more, set the surgery up again, have wavered this time too, but have resolved with myself that WLS is definitely the best plan of attack on this horrible thing called obesity. My surgeon was amazed at how many different diet plans, supplements, etc., that I had tried in the past, and he feels that this is the best plan for me. Not that I needed his approval, considering I had already made my decision at that point, but it was something that I needed to hear. There are soooo many things that I cannot do right now, but I will be able to do them after surgery (well, in a few months anyway). Crossing my legs like a lady will be a real treat for me, not to mention going on roller coasters, sitting in restaurant chairs, and so many other things that I can now look forward to doing in the future. Don't get me wrong, I would never say to anyone that WLS is definitely for you. However, I would say that research and knowledge are two of your best tools in deciding whether or not to go through with the surgery. Your heart and mind are a couple of other good tools as well, but remember that they are probably part of why you are obese to begin with. Many people use their weight as a shield to protect themselves against the meanness that exists in those around us. I know that I do. I'm ready to open myself up and live life with people, not shield myself against them. Life is too short to be unable to do the things in life that I want to do and deserve to do. Take care and good luck in whatever decision you make. You will be the one who has to live, in whatever condition that may be, with your decision as to whether or not to have the surgery. Again, take care and be happy :-), Tammy

Karen B. 21 years, 8 months ago

Hello Karen~~As I just read your profile I think you know in your heart that surgery is right for you but you are just terrified. Maybe I am wrong but I hope you stick around, don't close the door all the way. I read on here everyday at least once where someone is now off of their insulin and no longer diabetic because the took this very drastic step to have WLS. It is OK to be scared of surgery but as a nurse I myself would fear diabetes more. Continue to research WLS and diabetes. Weigh the pros and cons again. I am not telling you to have WLS as I know this is a very personal decision. I wish you all the health and happiness as you continue your weight loss journey. God be with you. PEACE

mlwinn77 21 years, 8 months ago

Hi Karen, If you have any questions please let me know. I had an open rny April 19th. I was so scared and almost backed out at least 10xs before my surgery. I wish you much success and best wishes with what ever you decide. If you want to talk or have questions my email is [email protected]
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Boulder City, NV
Aug 13, 2002
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