mlwinn77 21 years, 10 months ago

Hi Keith, I just wanted to congratulate you on the wonderful weight loss. You are an inspiration and give me much hope. I wish you all the luck in the world.

LORRAINE K. 21 years, 10 months ago

Dear Keith~~~~CONGRATULATIONS!!!! on joining the Century Club. What wonderful progress you have made in such a short time. Keep strong. Enjoy Life. Be well, be blessed.

LORRAINE K. 22 years, 2 months ago

Dear Keith~~~~I was so happy to read your post. I am sorry you had a rough time of things but you sound as if your spirit is strong. That's a wonderful thing. Do whatever you can for yourself, be strong, but make sure you rest as much as you need to. Late afternoon naps are a great way of refreshing body, mind, and spirit. Be well.

Barbara W. 22 years, 2 months ago

Hey there Keith, I will be keeping you in my prayers for a continued great recovery ! may all your dreams turn into reality in your new life :-) all the best Barbara

Annette B. 22 years, 2 months ago

Keith Glad to hear you made it through surgery alright. Best wishes for a speedy recovery.

chout1 22 years, 2 months ago

Keith, congratulations on making it to the other side. Hope things are going well with you. Take good care of yourself during your recovery time.

Amy D. 22 years, 2 months ago

I've never met Keith personally but have been corresponding with him via e-mail for a while now. I contacted him because we have the same surgeon and wanted to know his thoughts. At any rate, I've been very aware of Keith having his surgery this week and today, I had an appointment with our mutual doctor and asked how Keith is doing. He said Keith is doing well and is on the regular floor and is eating! I know it's not a very informative update, but, it's a little something! Keith --> I'm a "go" now too!! Eeeek!!! Hope you're are doing o.k. and will be anxious to hear all about your experience! :o) God bless you! Amy

Stephanie L. 22 years, 2 months ago

I wish you the best of luck with your surgery, hope everything goes well for you. I would say I will be thinking of you tomorrow, but I will be in the same place you will la land. I have surgery tomorrow also. I'll pray for us both!

RODEO CLOWNS S. 22 years, 2 months ago

Best wishes to you. I hope all goes well and you have a problem free recovery.

BrendaSinger 22 years, 2 months ago

<font face="Veranda"><font color="maroon"><b>~~~~Here's to a quick happy recovery. As YOUR day comes and goes...Remember to walk, drink, and cough as much as you can drag your butt to do! You will be surprised at how much it will help...You can do it! Many prayers sent your way. God Bless us each and everyone. <br>Visit my profile...I have lots of great info you can check out that may be of interest.<br> </b></font></font><font face="Signature"><font size="+2">~~Brenda~~</font size></font face>
About Me
Aurora, IL
Surgery Date
Aug 20, 2001
Member Since
