Karen97869 18 years, 5 months ago

Dearest Wanda, I haven't been to your site in some time but, you are on my mind quite often. How wonderful it was to read your post and see the progress you've made! You truly are blessed and your husband Jack is an Angel. You two are an example of what " For Better or Worse " stands for in wedding vows, and I have so much respect for the both of you, for being there for one another through everything you've been through. I am sooooo happy to hear that you're doing well and please, update us from time to time on your progress ~ as I said, I think of you quite often, even though I haven't " checked in " in a while. You are never far from my heart since I followed your story and your progress since the beginning. My best wishes to you and your family for 2006 and May God continue to bless you all beyond belief! Love and Hugs as Always! †

ceridwyn 18 years, 9 months ago

Hi Wanda, It's Mel, checking in. I haven't had a computer for about 2 months now and I'm finally back on line. Whew! It's great to hear you are doing very well. Swimming is such good exercise and what fun! Keep up the progress and hope you a good summer vacation. I broke nine vetebrae in my back in early April. I'm doing somewhat better now, but from experience - don't forget your calcium supplements. Broken vertebrae hurt... really hurt! Take care, Wanda. Hugs, love, and peace - Mel

cctru 18 years, 9 months ago

Wanda, You don't know how much it makes my heart happy to see your post. Your story was compelling to so many of us, and I am so happy you are still on the road to recovery. Thank you so much for updating us. Best wishes! Carol Calvin

Paula Prichard 18 years, 10 months ago

Hey, I am glad to see you writing! I had surgery a few days before you did and I faithfully read your hubby's posts to see how you were doing. Best of luck!

Sarahlicious 18 years, 10 months ago

Wanda, it is sooo great to read YOUR post. I am glad things are getting better and you are reaching some major milestones for yourself. You have come a long way, and I do encourage pre-ops to read your story, as most are just afraid of death, and do not realize the other problems that may arise, and the subsequent complications that can occur. I wish you continued healthy and happy moments spent with Jack, although I think you need to give him a little nudge with that cart next time you're at the grocery. :)

Sarahlicious 18 years, 10 months ago

Wanda, it is sooo great to read YOUR post. I am glad things are getting better and you are reaching some major milestones for yourself. You have come a long way, and I do encourage pre-ops to read your story, as most are just afraid of death, and do not realize the other problems that may arise, and the subsequent complications that can occur. I wish you continued healthy and happy moments spent with Jack, although I think you need to give him a little nudge with that cart next time you're at the grocery. :)

Maggie S. 18 years, 10 months ago

It's great to hear you are doing much better every day Wanda. I hope you continue to do so. Thank you for posting an update and letting us know how wonderful things are for you right now. I hope you get that drivers license.

Wanda S. 18 years, 10 months ago

Hi everyone, I am doing much better. I want to thank all of you for the support you have given Jack and me since I had the surgery in 2002. While I didn't know you were supporting me in those early months, Jack told me how much your words meant to him as he waited for me to get better. Now it seems to me that it was a long time ago. It has been years, but my site is a tribute to all of you who came together in support of a fellow traveler who was not as fortunate as many of you. I am still traveling that road to recovery. I began swimming laps awhile back and can do 20 laps by backstroke. I now walk with a cane or, for longer distances, with a walker. In the house I go it alone. The other day I took my first bath with no assistance in or out of the tub. This was a milestone for me. I have continued to maintain my original weight loss of ll5 lbs. and this with little exercise. What is holding me back in that department are my knees. Partial knee replacement is in my future. But first there are some other issues I must deal with. I had cataract surgery recently and hope that my vision will have improved. When I get my new prescription, I hope to be able to pass my driver's test since my old license has expired. That will take a lot of the burden away from Jack although he says I'm a danger in the supermarket aisles with the electrical cart. He'll ask me, "Were you in aisle 3? I noticed some cracker boxes on the floor?" What could I say but, "Heck no! It must have been someone else." So the best to all of you out there. To those of you who are just considering this surgery please do your research. It is not simple surgery. The statistics are changing from when I had the surgery and not for the better. I WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND THAT ANYONE HAVING THIS SURGERY CONSIDER THE OPEN CUT METHOD. THIS GIVES THE SURGEON MORE ROOM TO OPERATE AND DOES NOT REQUIRE THE PATIENT TO BE UNDER THE ANESTHETIC FOR FIVE PLUS HOURS. In my opinion, the laproscopic method increases the chance for problems during surgery. This has been my experience. Everyone have a good summer. I'll talk to you in the fall. Wanda Smart

ceridwyn 18 years, 11 months ago

Hi Wanda and Jack, Just checking in, letting you know I'm thinking of you and hoping all is well. Please e-mail me at [email protected] so we can chat. Hugs, love, and peace. Mel

danabky 18 years, 11 months ago

Hi Wanda and Jack! I wanted to let you know that us "old-timers" still think about you and was wondering how you are doing? I am 4+ years out and followed your story from the very beginning. Hugs to you both. Please try and update!
About Me
McMurray, Pa
Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2001
Member Since
