Bridgette O. 23 years, 5 months ago

Diana, It's 12-31-00 your doing great girl, keep in touch, see ya on Chat ...B

Renee B. 23 years, 5 months ago

Hey Diana, Just wanted to post to your site and tell you everyone is behind you! We hope you are doing well. I'm going to stop in and see you tonight. The nurses said you did great and that you were resting when I called on Tuesday. Take care and remember to e-mail me or I'll see you at the support group meetings.

dtjohnson7 23 years, 5 months ago

Diana, I hope you are doing well. No one seems to know anything about how you are so I am afraid your angel hasn't updated anyone. I've been in chat with lots of people and no one knows and nothing is posted. I've been thinking about you. We were in Columbus today for my 3 week check-up with Dr. Kaczmarski and I wanted to stop and see you but didn't know if you'd want visitors. If all is okay, you should get out tomorrow and maybe you'll feel well enough to update us. Miss you in chat.

danabky 23 years, 6 months ago

Diana!!! good luck girl! This is the beginning of your new life and spending a very active time with your grandaughter!! You will feel SO great!!!! You will be a little sore at first but everyday it gets sooooo much better! I am not even 1 month post yet and I feel about 95 percent back to normal! Like nothing ever happened! Just that pesky pulled muscle in my right ribcage is slowing me down. It just MELTS off! And I am very hyperthyroid too! I am on .25 which is VERY high. I have to monitor that in a few weeks cause I feel like its a bit high for me now with losing weight. Just remember to walk as soon as you can after surgery cause you will recoup much faster. I know its a pain in the hiney but you have to do deep breaths as much as you can. I had no pain.. just it felt a little sore in the muscles like I did too many sit-ups or overdid myself in the garden. But it was just a dull soreness.. not sharp pains or anything! If you have a reaction to morphine like I did.. request demerol. Honestly I was off pain meds 3 days after I came home.. or I would just take one before bed. YOu will do great sweetie and take care! Cant wait to see you back in the chat room with a negative number behind your name! Toodles! DanaTX

Donna W. 23 years, 6 months ago

Diana-I hope everything went well with your surgery yesterday! I hope all went smoothly and you have a VERY speedy recovery!

Selena D. 23 years, 6 months ago

Hi Diana - another fellow Buckeye to sent well wishes too! My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family during this very special time. Your surgery date is just around the corner! Best wishes for a speedy recovery. Hugs.

patrioticwife 23 years, 9 months ago

Hi Diana...Welcome to the other side I will be praying for you to have speedy recovery to healthier and happier life and that Gods Blessings will be with you...Goodluck on your Journey and I wish you the best...Hugs

fradycat007 23 years, 9 months ago


Tammy B. 23 years, 9 months ago


Anita S. 23 years, 10 months ago

Congratulations Diana on your upcoming surgery. Soon you'll have a new, thin, healthy life. Best wishes for a speedy recovery too.
About Me
Columbus, Oh
Surgery Date
Apr 06, 2000
Member Since
