He was serious when he said, "Who Are You?"

Aug 31, 2009

My friend of over twenty five years retired and moved to Maine. Just recently, I was sitting in the church pew next to his wife carrying on a conversation. Following the memorial service for a very dear friend, I stood next to him in the hall talking away about Sandy.
Out of the blue, he asked me: Who are you?
He was talking to me and did not recognize the new me!

Tell me folks, has that been happening to you?

It happens quite a lot when people say to me, from a distance I did not recognize you or from behind...

I recently started to lose weight again. I was down to 147.2.

Life has been good.

My husband is walking better.

In two weeks, he hopes to go back to work.

He needs the interaction that work entails. He needs to speak to others and help people.

It has been nine weeks since his knee was repaired.

He still must stretch out in the rear seat of the car. He tried to sit in the front but cannot bend his knee enough.

My grandson, M'bake walked with him down to our dumpster to take trash. It is something that took a lot of effort for Bobby. He used his one crutch to keep his balance and walk correctly.

On Wednesday and Friday for the next six weeks, he will have PT at a center. We had been promised that he would be able to go evenings but find that others have taken those appointment times. Two of the appointments we have are for 7 am.

UP and At 'Em!

Then, return home, and I will head into work late but using the FMLA be able to take time off to help him out.


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Marlborough, MA
Surgery Date
Nov 15, 2007
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