2 more WOW moments only the "extremely obese" may understand

May 22, 2009

I weighed in at 430lbs before my surgery. I was lookinf at 270 lbs I needed to lose to have a normal BMI. I'm 5'9 and the weight never showed true but when you are 430lbs everyone knows I am "Obese." What no one knew was that there were things about my life that were drastically altered because of my extreme weight. One was I couldn't wipe my butt the way I was taught as a young girl. "Front to back so you don't get poop in your vagina or you get a bad infection," were the words of wisdom from my Mom. Well when I tripped into the morbidly obese catagory I could no longer get my arm around my large rear and so I began "carefully" wiping back to front. Then one day that even became a challenge as I entered an even higher weight and new obese catagory.

I remember the fear I had about a month prior to surgery and I brought my fears to the OH forums and asked for help. I knew someone out there would understand. The out pouring of support, love and wonderful suggestions on how to deal with wiping myself with a belly full of pain when it was so difficult to do prior to the surgery - I likend it to an "Olympic Event!"

Well I am so thrilled to let you all know I can NOW do it the way I was taught when I was a potty training little girl. So many, many years ago! I almost cried just now in the bathroom as it is truly the little ways I see my progress. I see my life coming back, I feel somewhat normal in a world that has been so difficlut for me fo so long.

The other WOW moment is that I once again can see my aereolas!  hahaha Maybe TMI but I know there is someone out there who can identify. I am VERY Fair skined and my breasts went from a D cup (always was fairly well endowed) to an "I" cup. Which is very hard to find so I have been wearing bras that don't fit for about the last 10 years. Needless to say when they got that stretched out my aereolas dissappeared. Well they are back!!! And again the changes that are happening to my body are really amazing me.

It helps that I exercise about 4x a week at my gym and when I am home I am always doing something that 6 months agao I wouldn't even think about. Due in part because I knew I couldn't do it and it would so utterly depress me. Yesterday, in the throws of PMS, I took a chain saw and cut down a 70' row of 6; high hedge that was totally over grown. I have wanted to do it since I bought the house and yesterday was the day....this was after a 10 hour day at work!

I am constantly singing, "Ain't no stopping me now....I'm on the move!"

Hopeing everyone has a wonderful Memorial Day Weekend  ~ please stop and give pause on Monday for all the Service Men and Women who gave it ALL for us to live Free!

Peace~ Eileen


About Me
Blackwood Terrace, NJ
Surgery Date
May 10, 2008
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