Dreams become Reality

May 30, 2009

If you wait long enough and are positive and persistant dreams do become reality....now if I could only get that "Winning the Lottery" dream to come true!

I have "thought" about putting up a fence around my yard. Actually thought isn't a strong enough word as it is a necessity to keep my fur-babies safe. But my weight stopped me from doing everything I desired and dreamed about. Well yesterday not only did I get the first half of my fence but I unloaded it (with a little help) and will begin digging the post holes this week. By next weekend (or a little later) my kids will be able to safely run themselves silly in the yard.

Last year all I could do was think about doing things and thanks to my surgeon and my new tummy I AM a Human-DOING rather than just a Human-BEING!

On a more somber note I went to the funeral yeaterday for Nurse Fred. Although it was heart wrenchingly sad to see his family, the outpouring of love and comfort was truely overwhelming. The church was PACK! What a beautiful testiment to this man of love, compassion and peace. He will be missed by so many because he used his time here to reach out and touch the lives of so many with love. I pray I too may live a life like Fred. One where it is more imprtant to love than be right, to love than to be powerful, to love than to be self seeking.

As St. Francis said,"For it is by self-forgetting that one finds. It is by forgiving that one is forgiven. It is by dying that one awakens to Eternal Life. Amen" Fred is in that Eternal Life and I pray I can live life as Fred did.



About Me
Blackwood Terrace, NJ
Surgery Date
May 10, 2008
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