Turning 29...

Aug 12, 2009

29 really isn't that bad right? I mean at least I did this WLS now didn't wait much longer. For sure by the time I am 30 I will be of normal size. These days I day dream a lot about what my life will be like at 30 and how much will be different by then. I've got big plans for myself and for once I will not let my weight hold me back.

Just this week I started working out with a trainer. This is the very first time I've done one on one personal training. In the past I did a group training and I did well but I did want the one on one training just couldn't afford it. This time I just told myself I am worth the money and really I should be spending a lot less on food these days anyways! My short term goal is to run a 5K. I've also started the couch to 5K program but its going to take me more than even a week to complete week one. I'm not going to let that get me down I'm just going to keep repeating it until I complete it! I am only 3 weeks post op but I feel great and ready to get this weight off all the ways I know how and with greater success because of my new tool! 

Another twist to my 5K goal is I met a guy on Facebook in kind of an odd way but we have really hit it off. I told him about my surgery and it just so happens he has lost a bunch of weight in the past year so he is totally supportive. He did it the old fashioned way but does not judge me on doing it this way. When I talked about the 5K he got excited and asked if he could do it with me. Running has been something he wanted to try too but never got there yet. So the support will help us both. We already have plans to walk/jog a race in September and also to run the Komen Race in October. We have talked about possible doing one once a month until we both are actually able to run the whole thing without stopping. For me it is just great to have someone not only into me but into the same goals and just as excited about them as I am.

I recently started feeling hungry not just in my head but in my tummy too. It hasn't been too bad and will pass after a couple of bites. But I am not getting as full off of soups and things like I was a week ago. Next Friday is my first fill so I am looking forward to that. I start normal foods just a day before so really I think this fill is perfect timing. I'm grateful I was able to make an appointment and get in right at the 4 week mark. This week I'm happy to start soft foods that includes fish. So my birthday dinner will of course be some salmon from a nice restaurant we have here in town. Its silly to look so forward to eating but I think here is the one place I can find people who understand that.

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