my first 5K

Sep 13, 2009

Well I jog/walked my first 5K today. I am not as far along as I was hoping to be in the couch to 5K program (still doing week 2) but I'm proud I got my first 5K out of the way. For some reason my time didn't get recorded on the website and I didn't pay much attention thinking I would find out when they posted so I'm guessing my time was 45-47 mins. Really not to bad I don't think at least. I'm hoping to improve my time by 30 secs to a min each time until I can actually complete one in 30 mins.
I'm still pretty excited to be doing the couch to 5K and doing these races. I'm signed up for 2 more so far and have plans to sign up for at least 3 more before the end of the year. I have a few people willing to do them with me too and I even made up a team name Waistin Away and printed shirts for us to wear and all, pics posted. Its kinda silly but for me its a little bit more fun like this and I even got me a Size Med team Waistin Away shirt that I hope to fit in very soon. I'm wearing a XL now in those pics.

They got my time posted and I actually finished in 43:17! whoo go me! 

