Having trouble falling asleep

Sep 21, 2010

Even after taking my trazadone to help fall asleep last night, it took me over an hour to go to sleep.  I was making lists in my head.  I made a list of questions that I wanted to ask the nutritionist and the surgeon when I get my follow up appt.  I also made a list of things that I needed to start buying to have at the house.  I also made a list of what I needed/wanted to take with me to the hospital.  I even made a lists of things to tell the anesthesiologist when I see him about my possible reaction to anesthesia (had a hard time waking up and was throwing up for awhile right after recovery).  All these lists and I still DONT have a date.   So frustrating... LOL.  Who would have ever thought that me, the wimp, would actually be looking forward to having my stomach cut open AGAIN.  My gallbladder surgery was HELL.

Surgeon's questions: all about pain management.  About having scheduled toradol post-op.
NUT questions: Vitamins I need to take and when.  VitC and zinc (pre-op and postop) does it help with healing.
Anesthesiologist questions: discuss difficulty waking up after anesthesia.. nausea
THINGS needed: baby utensils, water dispenser, crocpot, measure cups, night gowns, under clothes, ponds face cloths, personal hygiene wipes.
Hospital packing: deodorant, gowns, robe, underwear, slip on shoes, IPOD AC charger, phone charger, travel size soap, camera,

I'm rambling I know! LOL.  I am so tired.  I have been working since Thursday of last week.  Never slept monday after working sunday graveyard shift. After being up for 25 hours I slept for 3.. then was up for 2 and then i went to bed lastnight.  Duh and had to be back up at 6am this morning. trying to make it til 9pm b4 i go to sleep.  I hope that getting this all off my head, I will be able to sleep better tonight


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Surgery Date
Aug 23, 2010
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