DS/DS Revision is APPROVED !

Feb 23, 2009

It finally happened. The phone call came today, just a bit ago ! I
am approved for my DS/DS revision. I have no idea when yet, although I am
guessing after Easter. I have to wait on paper work and scheduling.

I have to say I am shocked. I was really expecting another denial. The
approval came thru on a second level appeal with BCBS of MN for those
insterested. It reinforces that I am still fat, (kind of a rude
eyeopener, but true !) but I want to be healthy. I am not sure what
made them change their minds, and I do not care. I was really down
earlier today as when I was talking with insurance as it did not sound
promising and within an hour I had a call back that it was approved. I
really feel there is surgical error with the first surgeon. Time will
tell what it is !

It will sure be interesting to find out what was done to me ! My BMI
is back to 42.8 ! ICKY ! Not a place I want to be. I am a short 5'
2", and do not need this extra weight ! Will let you know when.. but
just wanted to share that insurance will with the proper info approve
a DS to DS revision.

I am back at those of feelings ! OH MY -I am having surgery ! Those crossroads of mixed, but good feelings (I think). I have waited over  8 months in this process doing everything possible to avoid the revision.  My original surgeon, Dr Clark Warden has a poor records with DS's. Pick your WLS carefully ! Be sure he/she KNOWS what they are doing so you only to go thru this one time ! 

Thanks for letting me rattle.

