Revision date is set ! ~ May 18, 2009

Mar 01, 2009

It is on the calendar ! Monday May 18, 2009 will be my DS/DS Revision with Dr John Maguire.  Never thought I would have the feelings again like I did first time around. I know I am doing the right thing, I am obese and need my surgery done properly.

I will be traveling this time, over 1400 miles to get this done properly. I know some travel farther.  I also will go in April for pre-ops. He wants to do them there due to my medical history and the fact that I am a revision. Interesting, my pre-op testing will include labs etc, which will also be my 6 year post-op labs.  I am anxious to find out what was done wrong the frist time around. Will let you know.

