3-week post-op appt with my Primary Care

Mar 21, 2012

My regular doctor (who's also my endocrinologist) said I was doing well. He was impressed with my scar (how small it is & how well it's healing). He did say I looked pale to him.

I showed him my blood glucose numbers since the surgery, & he was thrilled (more than me). I've been diabetic for over a decade & insulin-dependent for almost 2 years. I started with 20 units of insulin, & a few days before my surgery I was up to 90 units. I went from a fasting blood glucose (without insulin) of 349, to post-surgery (open RNY) fasting blood glucose (no insulin) of about 140. To me, that's a miracle!

Since 2/28 I've lost about 19 lbs. I'm happy with that, but not head-over-heels. My doctor tried to give me a new oral medication for diabetes. I told him flat out: I won't take them, don't give them to me! (I stood up for myself! Shocking!) I told him that insulin is not my enemy. It's saved my life for almost 2 years. Why would I use anything else? Besides, I've taken every oral medication for diabetes that's been on the market (& most of them have been pulled by the FDA), & they never worked. EVER. 
Hopefully, when I lose more weight, I won't have the need for insulin. But right now, I'll be taking about 20 units a night to get my glucose down to between 80-90 where it belongs. 

Still grappling with the situation with my husband. Talked to my counselor today about it. She recommended the book by Melody Beattie, Beyond Codependen
cy: And Getting Better All the Time. I got it on eBay & I'm going to read it as soon as it arrives. My counselor told me I had to start practicing living my life the way *I* want to live it, so that if I am with my husband or not, I will have made the changes I need to make so that I can be happy.

I love that idea. I've had the RNY, something I've been wanting for years. That's already changing me & the way I live so that I can lead a healthier, happier life. But that's only a part of what I need to work on. I have patterns that I repeat in my life (with my husband, friendships, extended family, jobs) that I MUST address & work on every day to change.

I hope all my OH friends are doing little things every single day to make their lives happier. You all are always in my prayers & good thoughts.

xo GG 

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Feb 01, 2012
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