An OPEN LETTER to MYSELF!!! and whomever it may concern...

Jul 02, 2009

LAST MEAL??? it sounds like you are planning on NEVER EATING again- the last Solid food I before starting my Medi-Fast was some steamed broccoli with a little grated cheese and some stir fry shrimp- that i made. the next day -JUNE 27-started the shakes. But I am planning on Having FOOD probably a week out from surgery.. that pureed chicken, tuna sounds mighty good right about now...

Now I can understand LAST cigarette- last alcoholic drink etc-

But people we are going to EAT Again! just very differently...

Pre surgery- We have "I LIVE TO EAT" thinking-
Post surgery- We need to maintain "I EAT to LIVE" thinking.

this will be easier to accomplish if we adjust our thinking prior to our surgery.

To look back longingly at BAD HABITS that got all of us to the point where we Need to have this surgery is really counter-productive.
As so many folks have said this is a MENTAL ISSUE.
over eating- bad choices- lots of fried, fast food, overindulging in GOOD food WILL NOT be part of our post-op lives.

If we allow ourselves to constantly focus on the negative ...
guess what - our surgery will be of no use...
I didn't say the surgery will be a failure-
because the surgery didn't fail- the failure was our own.
failure to follow pre-op program-
failure to follow post-op program-
failure to follow up with the doctor etc.

I'm not saying I haven't had thoughts of indulging- because i have -
a certain chunk of pepperoni caught my eye yesterday and the bacon I made for my husband this am.... But at this point nope can't do it- gotta stick to my resolve.
I need to let myself get off to a POSITIVE start-
I may stumble, but its just that a stumble
not a continued course of making poor choices and then focusing on how wonderful it all was going down... focus on how sick it made me later....
considering the consquences of my actions = better choices.


About Me
Capital Region, NY
Surgery Date
May 13, 2009
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