Dropping Clothing Sizes....& Wow's !

Oct 17, 2009

Post Date: 10/14/09 8:37 am
( Saturday, Oct 17- I went with a bunch of friends to pick apples- we had a great time- I'm planning on making my own UNsweetened applesauce. I ate a number of bites of various apples and HAD NO PROBLEMS - even with the skins!!!) 

The following is a crosspost from the Lightweights Board. Roz suggested that I copy & paste it to my Blog so that I don't forget some of these victories. It is odd how soon we do forget... So here are my comments from Oct 14,2009 as to the progress I've already made since surgery JULY 23, 2009.

ROZ thanks for the suggestion!

To be honest I did have a few 26/28 dresses, & tops.  I guess the 26/28 & 3X sizes scared me and I got back into size 2X & my plentiful supply of size 24 jeans.

Well, my first wow moment was when I quickly dashed off to the bathroom and didn't have to unsnap or unzip those jeans... with a slight push they slid down!!! So it was time to move onto my 22's.

In no time- I was into 18's. So I started digging around in my basement STORE and found a number of size 16's. I have been wearing them for maybe 2 weeks... noticed THEY were getting BAGGY.

Yesterday- took myself over to the GOODWILL STORE and bought a pair of 14's for less than $3.00. Came home and put THEM ON!
Ok well I had to wiggle a little to get them all the way up over the hips and can't quite snap or zip them YET... BUT THEY WERE ALL THE WAY UP.

I even had a size 12 skirt on the other day! (A-Line- elastic waist)
There was no way it was getting off by stepping out of it... it would have ripped if I tried to get it off over my hips.... so I just took it off the way I put it on over my head! 

Oct 23 will be my 3 month anniversary... i NEVER would have guessed that i could get into 16 jeans let alone 14's. or a size 12 skirt! 
Yikes this is amazing... good thing i'm sitting down otherwise I'd faint! 

Let me tell you... I AM SO GLAD I SAVED ALL MY CLOTHES from my less obese days!

part 2: Thanks everybody! It is so nice to be able to share this with people who REALLY UNDERSTAND the excitement!

How excited I was to become OBESE no longer MO!
those friends without a weight problem just don't get it!

Now I'm counting down my BMI until I am OVERWEIGHT!
Good Grief it's been forever since I was Overweight!

I feel like singing Jiminy Cricket's song...

"Fairy tales can come true...they can happen to you....."

and guess what! The fairy tale that Morbidly Obese people hope for.. becoming NORMAL WEIGHT is coming true everyday for folks who have had any one of the different WLS!

So... don't get discouraged... If you cheat a little- don't allow yourself to go HOG wild. get back to basics... Persevere!!!


Part 3:  Only on a rare occassion could I borrow clothes from my MOM- generally she dressed herself way to OLD.

BUT her Older sister HA she was a classy dresser and as a teen I was thrilled to get her used winter boots and fur coat! When I cleaned out her closet after she died- I snatched a BEAUTIFUL Green SILK SUIT!    ..... I will be able to get into it soon!

I loved it on her and I know I will love it on me. OH yeah she was just about to turn 87 when she died.  My snappy dresser Auntie! Definately a COOL old Gal! when I finally get into the suit it will feel like a HUG! 


About Me
Capital Region, NY
Surgery Date
May 13, 2009
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