Appointment with My Surgeon

Jan 18, 2009

I had my follow-up appointment with my surgeon on Friday.  He said my labs looked normal except my iron is still a bit low but he said for that to keep on my prescription iron that I've been taking and it should be kicking in soon.  It's too early to tell whether lowering my anti-psychotic and my diuretic have had any effect on the severe lightheadedness I've been having as we've only been able to lower those within the last week so we've got to give those more time but he thinks those will prove to be helpful.

He also thinks that part of my problem is that I have developed in response to my surgery hyperinsulinemic hypoglycemia, though at this point not too severely.  Basically because of being type 2 diabetic before surgery because of insulin resistance and now (and even some before surgery) not needing medication for the diabetes, my pancreas is being sporadically hyperactive about producing too much insulin because it used to have to because it was the only way for it to get some insulin through to my cells.  Well, now my cells are letting the insulin in like normal cells should so when my pancreas has these random moments of going into overdrive I get hypoglycemic because my cells get too much insulin.  It doesn't happen with any regularity so I never know when it will happen, though I have noticed it tends to happen more in the afternoon and evening (though this may be because I check more regularly at those times so I need to be more vigilant about checking my blood sugar while I'm at work).  At this point our first line of treatment is nutritional.  He wants me to start carrying almonds and cheese with me at all times and always eat a protein and a fat whenever I eat and to eat whole grains.  Interesting.


About Me
Marion, OH
Surgery Date
Jul 25, 2007
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