Julia M. 21 years, 3 months ago

This is my last update for Kathy, as she will be returning to work on Monday, March 3. Kathy's recuperation has been wonderful, if only everyone could have it as easy. She's been out and about this week. Shopping the first part, then to her GP because of a cold/respiratory ifection. They weighed her and she's lost 20 lbs. in the 20 days since her surgery! Next week will be the BIG test, her return to work.

Janice B. 21 years, 3 months ago

Kathy, You go, girl!! I've been getting the updates from your friend via e-mail. I'm so glad to hear you are doing well. Oh, how I remember the days of cream of wheat and tomato soup. But now, after 15 months and 144lbs. gone, I CHOOSE to eat them..hehehe..At the time, tho, I thought I'd never eat cream of wheat, oatmeal or tomato soup again in my life. Since you and I have some of the same genes, I know what you were talking about in your profile. I, too, feared for my life. Now I only enjoy it. I know you will do well and accomplish what you want from this. I have. I have loved you since the day you were born and even tho we are not "close" I feel a strong connection to you. I love your Dad and your Mom, always have, always will. You are in my prayers daily. I will see you soon. Love you so much and am so very proud of you!! Janice

Julia M. 21 years, 3 months ago

I visited Kathy today, and she was so cute in her blue Eyore loungewear.... to bad I didn't take my camera! Kathy is now a 2 week LOSER and it's beginning to show in her face. She's doing really well with her liquids and is improving her intake of food. It's amazing that she's not hungry at all, and that she doesn't miss the sweets. Her main complaint is smelling and seeing foods she has always enjoyed, but is unable to eat... yet. The food plan for the first few weeks has really gotten boring for her, but she's going to follow it to the "T". Now that she's off her pain meds, she has ventured out in the car to the pharmacy. GO KATHY! A wee update on her hubby. If you know him or read Kathy's profile, you know he absolutly didn't want her to have this surgery. Once she woke up he's been the most supportive husband you can imagine. If she's need help or anything, he's done it with no complaints. She is blessed with such love in her life.

cindy 21 years, 3 months ago

Your angel says you are doing good, you are now a loser, take care of yourself, I am sending wishes for a speedy recovery.

Julia M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Kathy is doing just fine. The pain she was having has gone, except when she does something the wrong way i.e. bending to pick up clothes to put in the laundry, lifting her arms to get things from the kitchen cabinet, cooking for her hubby, etc. So far no foods have bothered her, not that she's able to 'eat' anything yet, just liquids and pureed things. Juices, cream soups, applesauce, peanut butter,sugar free popsicles, mashed potatoes & gravy, and some other things of that sort. Nows she's ready to try some puddings and cottage cheese with mashed fruit. Her liquid intake is good, but she's having to work at getting the food in. Last week she was out a few times. Of course the first Dr. visit, a ride with a friend, and a quick trip to WalMart. She's not driving yet, but I imagine it won't be much longer. Kathy is getting bored at home, she's not used to taking it easy!

sherry M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Hey Kathy, I was just wondering how you are doing now. We havent had anymore updates on you and I have been wondering how you are. I was tracking you on your sugery page because we are having the same doctor and hospital etc. I am getting really nervous and was hoping that you could give me some words of wisdom. LOL! Well, I hope that all is healing well and that you are feeling good.

Julia M. 21 years, 3 months ago

02/12/03 Yesterday Kathy had her one week chek up with Dr Lucktong. He's happy with the way things are going, and has told her to start weaning of the pain meds. I went to visit her today and she's looking better as well as feeling better. She's already getting cabin fever, a good sign I think.

lovedove 21 years, 3 months ago


Julia M. 21 years, 3 months ago

Friday morning Dr. Lucktong took Kathy off the morphine and gave her another painkiller. The morphine was disabling her to the point where she was not walking or able to remember who had been to visit. Friday evening Kathy went home. Today, Sunday, we visited Kathy and found she was still having pain and not able to get really comfortable. She has been able to get to the bathroom and up and down the steps to her kitchen and den. She's nursing a glass of un-sweetened tea as well as having some oatmeal and potato soup. Her husband is making sure she is getting and doing all she's supposed to.

Lisa R. 21 years, 3 months ago

Kathy--I'm so glad you made to the other side all right. I've been thinking about you all week. I look forward to seeing a smaller you at the next support group meeting. Maybe by then I'll have a date. I hope everything continues to go well for you--Lisa
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Roanoke, VA
May 09, 2002
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