Day 2 on OH

Dec 02, 2010

Well, I am feeling excited and successful today!  I did well yesterday, really focussed on my goals and used these new tools.  This website definately reminds me of Fit Day, which I always enjoyed using but wasn't good about sticking to.  I hope that once I become involved in the community here it will be like the old days when I was so successful at  So, off I go again...similar tools.  But I don't plan on a similar long term weight re-gain because this time I have (will have!) the ultimate tool: Gastric Bypass Surgery.  I am now convinced that I was wrong in my opinion that GBS is an Easy Way Out.  No!  Actually I am finding that it is harder work than I ever imagined.  I haven't even had the surgery yet and I am working so hard.  And I know the commitment and work will be even tougher post surgery.  I truly hope that the people who see me losing weight don't think I am cheating or taking the easy surgical route...I hope they can understand that any success I may acheive is do to hard work and perseverence!!!

Yesterday I began reaching for my goals.  I had 6 of my 8 waters, and 58 of my 60 grams of protien.  I did keep my food and drink times seperate!  I did focus on my meals, keeping away from distractions.  I did some shopping last night, so today I have protein drinks and some other better choices.  I had f.f. cottage cheese and tomato soup with a 7 grain flat bread for lunch.  I had a protien shake for breakfast, and I drank 2 glasses of water before 6:30am!!  I am off to a great start today!  The energy burst I had last night was unbelievable, I could hardly sleep.  I was washing dishes at midnight!  ME!  Today, I have an empty pit feeling in my stomach, but I know I am doing good so I embrace the discomfort!! 


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Surgery Date
Dec 01, 2010
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