
Nov 28, 2009

So, lately my fat cells must be jettisoning estrogen once again. Four times in the past three weeks when I've gotten injured even slightly, I completely lose it.

My hubbie moved the office chair (no one was sitting in it) and a wheel went over two of my toes. I yelled at him and almost bit him.
While we were getting Thanksgiving dinner on the table, I asked my brother to get down a big wooden salad bowl. It fell while he was trying to get it and hit me in the arm. I ripped him a new one. I got so mad, I saw red and my mind blanked out on what I said to him.
My 3-year-old dropped a brass combination lock on my foot and I almost growled. I barely kept it in check. I sent her out to the living room to be with the rest of the family while I just sort of simmered by myself.
Yesterday I wrenched my back pulling the 3-year-old out of her stroller at Descanso Gardens down in Los Angeles. I got to the point where I just told my sister and my husband that I would wait for them at the end of the trail. Then I went and found a little pond area where I concentrated on just calming myself down.

I've been super grouchy ever since. (My kingdom for a Motrin! Tylenol ain't cutting it. The Lortab left over from my surgery is looking interesting.)

I don't think I'm PMSing. So, I'm thinking I'm having a fat-dumping-estrogen event again. But this must be super potent estrogen that's been hanging around since 1988 or so, much higher octane than normal.


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Where the Jackalopes Roam, CA
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