1 month out

Mar 21, 2014

Yesterday was one month out for me... it seems like way longer through. It has been a good month. My damn incisions finally stopped hurting so badly after about 3 weeks. I'm down 18 pounds since surgery which is a slow loss, but I'm ok with that. When have I ever lost 18 pounds period- let alone in a month. I've made a few poor food choices, especially lately, but I still consider myself successful because even with the poor food choices I never felt "out of control" like my pre surgery self. And most of the time I made good choices. So I'm not perfect, but I feel good about myself. I'm 10 pounds away from my first mini goal! I hate how food centered this country is- makes it hard to stay on plan. This week, I am helping out at my husband's school since the school I work at is on spring break. Anyway, yesterday I got off about 2 hours earlier than him but didn't want to go all the way home because I had to come get him- we took one car. So anyway, I had my kindle and I wanted to go somewhere that had WiFi and just hang out, and I was also hungry, but I couldn't think of anywhere to go that had snack food I could eat, so I just went to the library. But times like that are hard, pre surgery I had a million options of places to go for an after work snack. Anyway, it's the.minor things like that that make it hard to make good choices.


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Surgery Date
Dec 04, 2013
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