Sick :(

Mar 27, 2014

Today I stayed home sick. :( I never call in sick… only one other time this year. I felt- and still feel- pretty miserable. I’m pretty sure it’s just a bad cold that I have had for awhile- it is going around work, that's what happens when you work in a high school full of germy teenagers, but today I felt so much worse, and there is also a problem with my ear- Dave thinks that it is an infection. I woke up in a lot of pain. It felt like I was getting stabbed in the eardrum. I took two tyelnol and went back to bed it got better- but it is still not normal. It feels really clogged up. I thought it might be wax buildup, so my husband put some ear drops in, but that didn’t help. So I’m giving it until tomorrow, and if it doesn’t get better I might go to urgent care. I hate going to the doctor but I don’t want it to get worse. Dave thought I should go today since I also had a fever. The fever has gone down but I still think I have one. I’ll try to go to work tomorrow, but right now it isn’t looking good. Moving day is Saturday too, so this is bad timing. Hope everyone else is having a better day!

So anyway I wasn’t in the mood to do much of anything today, but I had a cleaning service coming to my apartment and I had to be out for a few hours, so I ran some errands and got some french onion soup at panera. Unfortunately I couldn’t really taste it, but I’m sure it was good. Then I came home and spent the afternoon binge watching Greys Anatomy on Netflix. Dinner tonight was Greek yogurt because I don’t feel like eating much.


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