
Mar 16, 2009

Ok well I went drinking last Saturday ok what's new but whenever I go out I always weigh myself.  I am a slave to that dam scale.  Well I got on and it read 146.  I was like ok sounds about right.  Well I partied like a rockstar and got toasted.  I shouldn't have taken that last shot.  It was my third and it wasn't a harsh one either.  Well in the morning I got on the scale and it read 142.7.  I was like that is to much weight to drop in one night.  Let me tell you I drank so much water that day to rehydrate myself.  By bed time I was at 145 and this morning I was at 144 so yes after drinking you need to rehydrate yourself better yet don't drink.  No I am not having changed addictions unless you count shopping at 2nd hand stores.  I like to drink on weekends however I don't do it every weekend only on special occasions.  My girlfriend is coming home on Thursday so we will be partying.

Kanani came from Maui on Friday so I got to see her.  She looks fabulous here are some pictures of us.  Kanani is 3 months out and I am 6 months.  I bet she is going to be smaller than me in the end.  She is doing fantastic.

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vancouver, WA
May 13, 2008
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