In the Beginning .......

May 31, 2011

Okay, I won't go that far back but I will give a short introduction.  I am 44 years old, mother of 4, have worked at the same place for 25 years (and can retire in 5 more! woot woot) and have been married for 23 years.  Oh yes, very important to mention the grandbaby (thus the name).  She is 16 months old and the sweetest, smartest, prettiest........oh I digress!   Anyway, back to "the story of me".

I was a skinny, short kid who grew into an athletic teenager
(figure skating was my game!) who grew into an overweigt ex-athlete who is kinda tall (5'8 - not a big whoop but tall enough to look like I am wearing floods if I am not careful! lol)  I, like most of you, have been a chronic dieter, have lost tons of weight (in 50 lb chunks) and regained (in 60 lb chunks).  I am sooooo tired of it.  I love working out, but am frustrated at lack of results.  I can stick to eating plans until my HUNGER and I mean overpowering, mind controlling, sell your soul for a brownie kinda hunger takes over and I eat and eat and eat, wiping out all good intentions and accomplishments. This is where I figure the sleeve will be my greatest tool!

I have wanted to do something like this several times but have talked myself out of it or have let others talk me out of it.  WELL NO MORE!  My children are big (no need to live at a hockey rink) and are content to ignore me (finally! lol) and I am soooo ready for a PERMANENT change.

My goals vary but right now they include:
- to get healthy.  I want to run - fast
- to feel good about myself on our hot holidays - and fit into the plane seat without torture!
- to not be the biggest person in the room, office, gym, bar, store, etc.
- to paint my own toenails

I have about a million more but I will share later.

I am currently on the waiting list (I hope, my stuff has all been sent in but I don't have any confirmation yet but it hasn't been that long yet.......)
Since discovering this forum I have cemented my mind on my goal.  The people on this site and their stories have dispelled any reservations and fears that I had.  I rejoice in their accomplishments and so want to join everybody on the loser's bench!

If I had the money I would pay to have it done but that isn't in the cards (credit cards that is! lol) so I will wait, and wait, and wait and then BANG! they'll call!  This seems to be the pattern..

That's about it for now!  Oh yeah, When I dream at night, not just now but always, I am a thin person.  Never in my dreams have I been overweight.  Has or does anyone else have this experience?


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2011
Member Since

Friends 44

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