THE surgeon appt!!! tadaaaa

May 05, 2012

It was great!  I met a super nice nurse named Twyla who discussed my history (both medical and diet) and my overall health.   Then Dr. Vergis arrived and we had a nice chat, I asked alot of questions and he answered all of them very professionally.  He said I was a good candidate for either surgery but I am leaning toward the VSG, so that is what we are going with! yay!  Andrea gave me a July 26th date for Laura and I called Theresa (the shrink) and she can see me that day as well, or the next day if the times don't work .  I have to talk to Andrea again for the time...........that would have been good to know!  haha.

I will make my appt for my swallow up here in The Pas, I can get in pretty quick here and Andrea already gave me the req, so that's as good as done (although this means people at work will know, although they CANNOT say anything, I'll know that they know.....).  but Yay anyway!  I will have to talk to the Clinic where my Dr. works, apparently he is leaving soon so I need to get in ASAP for my physical.  Both Andrea and Dr. Vergis were confident that I should get my surgery before the six month expiration of the complete physical so yay for that too!

Everyone always says that once the ball really starts rolling, it goes fast and I believe it.  

Oh yeah, that big azz binder I had at the M & G with my food diary, gym synopsys, etc.  was politely looked at ...... that's it.  REALLY????  I slaved over that!!!  I was hoping for some oohhhhhhs and ahhhhhhs and "that's amazing Diane" LOL  Oh well, it's all about the learning right?  right.

All for now.   I can see the light at the end of the ..... laparoscopic camera - haha!


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Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2011
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