Now it's getting serious....

Aug 11, 2012

So, finally a date....... and now I'm nervous.  WTH??  I didn't think there would be any second guessing but I think (hope) it is normal to wonder if this is the right thing.  I know in my heart it is, especially when I think of all the great ladies I have gotten to know on this site - if they can do it, I can do it!!!  This wait has been long, and I am man enough to admit that it has been partly my fault (going on trips instead of having appts), but the good thing about a long wait is that I get to drive you guys crazy with my whiney azz ness - Ha - joking as usual.  seriously, the time for reflection has be a good thiing.  I find myself really noticing myself, my parameters (physical) and I am bigger than I thought.  I have been really studying myself in pics, which is something I never used to do and realize how far I have let myself go.  sad.   BUT it is ending soon so watch out world!!!

There are things that I am really looking forward to and all of  you can probably relate to at least some of them

- finding my collarbones
- crossing my legs for longer than 3 minutes
- fitting in booths
- not filling a chair with arms (uncomfortably sqeezing in - boo)
- filling the bathtub with more water and less of me
- being good at yoga
- looking good in clothes cuz I LOVE them!

There are many more of course and I will post them  as I remember them lol.

I am really looking forward to my food funeral.  I was lucky enough to fluke into a trip to Europe from Sept 12 to 29th and I am going to terrorize the perogy houses!   It is my fave food and I will struggle with them forever!  I wonder if I could stuff a perogy with beneprotein? haha - ewwww.

I know I will be looking forward to the optifast diet when I get home - you know that "I'm so full of goodies I want to throw up" feeling?  I'm sure it will be like that, almost post christmas holidays when you can't wait to get on that diet.

This surgery better work for me....... or else!  lol



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Surgery Date
Apr 26, 2011
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