Day 7 Pre-Op Liquid Diet 9/3

Sep 03, 2009

Today was a bad day for me emotionally.  I just didn't want to deal with anything.  I had my pre-op surgery appointment which was not really what I expected but oh well.  Nothing I didn't already know.  Saw a few graphic operation photos and got my scripts and on my way.

I was so tired last night from cleaning the night before that I passed out SUPER early.  I didn't even have my evening shakes so I was 1 gram under protein for my goal and under calories too.

Thursday  9/3

                                                Protein                   Carbs                     Calories

Pure Protein

Cookies n Cream                 21                           3                              110

Atkins Milk Choc                15                           1                              160

Pure Protein

Cookies n Cream                 21                           3                              110

Tomato Juice                       2                              8                              50


                                                59                           15                           430

