9/10 Kicking, Screaming & Gagging!

Sep 10, 2009

I cannot drink one more protein shake.  I am literally sick to my stomach. Taking a sip I start getting nauseous and it takes all I have to swallow. 

I am only on my second one for the day and feeling like I want to vomit. They don't even taste decent anymore but I am COMPLETELY empty! Ugh! 

Too much anxiety right now as in general for no reason because Im not thinking about anything but what i have to do to make my house presentable for my parents by 7:00pm when I get home at 6:00pm.   I have shit laying around and the counters are cluttered from CVS bags and this and that for surgery but my mom is so anal she will come in my house and immediately start washing something and vaccuming.  Like I want to be worried about vaccuming a day before surgery.

I wish they weren't coming until like 10pm tonight damn them! I just might lose it on them if they start with me.  I am 31 and they act like I am going on 13!  I am just in a mood today.  I should have taken off!

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