Post Op Up and Down 9/15

Sep 15, 2009

I am 4 days post op and having quite a few rough moments.

Lots of gas that is hard to expel
Major left shoulder pain
No throwing up but not able to take a whole lot in
Very sore
Running a fever off and on
NEW ONE - Diarrhea today WTF but pure water! Just what I need to lose the little fluids I have
Weird empty hunger pain feeling. 
Can't get a shake down.
Crystal light and Rita's SF italian ice are my friends. 
Extremely hard to get comfortable in bed.
Couldn't get up by myself for the first 3 days.  
Can't bend over
large Incision super sore
Want to burp but can't
The few pills I have to take get stuck
Liquid even feels stuck
Weened down on pain meds - trying just to take at night then Tylenol in the day.
Hurts to cough, yawn or take a deep breath

I am concerned about my overal liquid intake and definitely the protein as I am not getting really any.  Follow up on Thursday.  I feel pretty crappy.  Maybe second half of the week will be better.

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