A good day!

Jan 23, 2011

Today feels like a good day.  I'm visiting my daughter this week.  She and I slept late and we're having a lazy day together.  BUT, I am continuing in my committment to eating healthier foods and exercising.

We took the dogs for a walk and I feel much better for my exercise.  I know I need to walk daily to prepare for surgery.  I need to build up my strength and stamina so that I can have a speedy recovery after surgery.  I'm going to continue to try and remember to walk at least 10 minutes a day, although we walked long than that this morning.

And I'm doing so well with my Cokes!  Or, should I say, my absence of Cokes!  This is Day Seven with NO COKE!  Really, this is such a milestone for me.  I know I have to give them up forever.  I was really dreading it, but it's been easier than I thought.  I guess I finally reached the point in my mind where I knew I had to do it, so I just did it. 

I'm drinking more and more water, too, which is GOOD for me.  I really think I feel better now. 

I'm trying hard to make better food choices this month.  Last night we went out to dinner and I had the beef tenderloin, grilled veggies, and a baked potato.  Okay, to be completely honest, I ate the steak, I nibbled at the veggies, and I pretty much scarfed the baked potato.  I do love a potato.  Oh, and did I "forget" to mention the appetizer?  Fried pickles!  Utterly without nutrition or redeeming value, but so good!  I know I won't be eating those again.

Still I'm up and prepared to do well today.  Had a scrambled egg, 1/2 an English muffin, and some fresh fruit and Greek yogurt for breakfast.  The Greek yogurt must be an acquired taste, that's for sure!  But I'm trying to learn to eat it.  It's on Dr. Davis's list of good post-surgery foods. 

So, I've saved the best news for last.  We will be celebrating our 30th anniversary this year and we're planning a trip to the Canadian Rockies to celebrate.  I am so excited.  (And I can't help but wonder what size I will be by June!  I hope I have lost at least 50 pounds by then!)  Anyway, we decided to rent a condo with a full kitchen so that I can control my food better on our trip.  My husband is such a sweetheart.  He is being so very supportive.  I'm a lucky, lucky gal.


About Me
Cibolo, TX
Surgery Date
Jun 30, 2009
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