Staying On Track

Aug 31, 2010

I am finding that it is so much easier to stay on track if I do the following:
   * Eat at home/cook for myself/stay out of restaurants
   * Limit business lunches to the rare, rare occasion (Eating and talking and working is a bad combo for me. I "forget" and eat foods I ordinarily would NEVER touch like potato chips and such!)
   *  Plan ahead to avoid being hungry with nothing prepared. If I go to the grocery and keep fresh, clean and wholesome foods that I like, I enjoy the food and am much more satisfied (physically, mentally and emotionally)
   *  Pray for wisdom, patience and strength to do the things I know to do without getting discouraged, impatient or "too big for my britches!"
   *  Log my foods every day and have routines so I take my supplements, drink the water and work MY program.

Thanks to anyone who reads my blog and provides input. I really appreciate my OH friends and rely on you for my support system. Luv you all!

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May 04, 2010
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