Day 2 and temptation sucks

Feb 03, 2015

Ok. Day 2 of the diet from hell. My stomach won't stop making noises at me, and food is everywhere. I had to go to the grocery store this afternoon and just about chewed my arm off. I spent SOO long looking at the broths and soups...trying to convince myself that tomato soup and butternut squash soup are liquids and would be ok (even though my dr said only protein shakes and clear liquids) I can have broths, but have swelling issues and the sodium content in most is ridiculous!! I settled for buying some Premier Protein shakes (more protein than the Atkins ones I have, which I'm hoping will make me feel more full), some low sodium vegetable broth, and some sodium free chicken boullion. By the time I got home, my daughter was answering everything I said with "I'm sorry!" (guess I was a bit snappy) and later said she hopes we both survive until my surgery date! Poor kid...I'm hoping things will start getting better in a couple days once my stomach is convinced I'm not going to give in and feed it a Dominos pizza. Which really really REALLY sounds good right now. OK thinking about something else! I've had a headache since last night that I'm thinking is related to this whole liquid diet thing. Hope that goes away by tomorrow. It's just enough to hurt and be annoying. I did have a question I keep forgetting to ask my Dr, and that is why no caffeine? I'm not a huge caffeine junkey, usually just have a 32 oz soda a day. Every now and then a cup of coffee. I get why carbination is a bad thing after surgery, and the sugars in the soda goes without saying, but why is caffeine a no no? 

Ok, night is truly my enemy. I need to figure out how to sleep without a stomach full of food. I'm used to insomnia, but I usually eat and eventually go to sleep. Now I can't sleep but I can't eat 'real' food either. I know eating late at night's not good and a habit I have to break. Ugh. In my desperate bid to ease my growling stomach and head hunger I just ate the ENTIRE package of sugar free jello I made for snacks for the next couple days. 4 cups of jello at once. At least it was sugar free, low calorie and low carb. And my stomach is beyond full now, but my mind is still telling me to eat. It's saying "you've got a can of cream of chicken soup in your pantry Heather, that's liquid, just dont eat the pieces of chicken" I want my mind to shut up because that's not on my approved list of foods. Ugh. 12 more days. 


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Mar 24, 2006
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