Me to my boss: WHAT did you say!?

Aug 07, 2012

Oh yeah, I about got into a big ol' nasty throwdown at work today.  Last Friday, they rearranged upper management with my company.  Not a big deal, I know everyone and am used to the ever changing ebb and flow of this office.

until today.

I'm sitting in a scheduled 1-hour meeting (turned into 3) and was talking to the new head honcho.  He was giving me all these deadlines for the next two weeks.  No problem, just do NOT give me ANYTHING else because my clients will suffer. When I asked him why he had to have everything done in two weeks, his response was that he was going on vacation the last week of the month.  I said, well I'll see you about december then!  and he goes "Why??" I said, well you're off the last week of August and I'm off the first two weeks  of September because of my surgery.

"Did I approve that?" was his response. 


He saw the shock on my face and I KNOW the steam was about to start coming out of my ears.  He said "Why do you need two weeks off?"  Um dude you've been working here since January.  We talk several times a DAY.  EVERYONE knows i'm having Surgery 9/5/12.  I specifically planned it when the conference was being held because I won't be as needed!  Many of our providers will be out of town and it will give me ample time to recouperate.  Besides, I have notified EVERYONE of my plans since the MOMENT I made them! 

Oh. My. GOSH!  I was FUMING!!  Even as I sit here, I can feel the fury being taken out on my poor defenseless keyboard. 

I've been counting down the days since June.  It's even on my calendar at work, not to mention my google chat status that we use to communicate with every day. 

MY OTHER boss (now moving to a different location, different position and will be SORELY missed!!) has been keeping up JUST FINE!  He remembers everything that has happened every step of the way. 

So, needless to say, the new person in charge is NOT on my happy list right now. 

Oh, don't fret.  I'm taking my two weeks.  Three if I have to.  I have the vacay time so I'm NOT concerned about that.  For once in my life I am putting ME first and I am NOT about to let a forgetful man make me change my plans.  No way.  No how!

He apologized for forgetting.  I guess I reminded him of his wife.  :) 


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Mar 12, 2012
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