My coworkers....who would've thought??

Sep 01, 2012

I've just recently celebrated my 6th anniversary with my employer.  I've survived many a trial and tribulation while being in their employ.  There are only 3 employees who have been there longer than I have out of 15. 

Well, yesterday was my last day of work prior to my surgery.  I know that I have some amazingly supportive coworkers, but I was still shocked yesterday. 

Thursday afternoon, one of the ladies let slip that we were having a pot luck on Friday.  When I said I'd known nothing about it, she said oh...well it's because it's in your honor.  (forehead slap! yes, let's have a POT LUCK for someone who is 5 days away from BARIATRIC SURGERY!) It just goes to show how deeply engrained food is in our lives.  Have an event?  There will be food.  Birthday, wedding, funeral, new home, new baby, adoption, anniversary, new job, leaving old job, tailgating, guests over just for dinner, oh and let's not forget HOLIDAYS!  No matter where you're from, what your religion, your history, your ethnicity, your political stance....We celebrate life's milestones (small or large) with food.  and people wonder why we're going through the epidemic of obesity. 

Anyway...They actually put a LOT of thought into it.  They found out what I could and couldn't eat, and made appropriate changes.  soup and salad, so it was fairly simple, but they waited until after I left to have dessert.  I told them that I didn't mind, and surprisingly, I REALLY DIDN'T!  Oh, and then our office won doughnuts from another company, and while I DID have a bite, it was JUST a bite.  Literally, not even a normal bite for was maybe an inch section, glazed only, no extras.  And before we ate, they gave me a bit of warning so I could eat a yogurt for extra protein before I ate the other stuff. 

but that's not all. 

I don't remember if I mentioned previously how my coworkers bought me the strawberry bouquet when I found out my wait for surgery was shorter?  Well, they did.  It was an amazing surprise! 

but they did it again.

yesterday morning, they dragged me into the center area and had me sit down.  then the gifts came.  They pitched in and got me two sets of sleepy clothes and an oversized T-Shirt for lounging, a robe, some slippers, a coloring book (puppies no less!) two tubes of chapstick, a tube of vaseline lip care, and some lotion!  I couldn't believe it!! 

It was all I could do not to cry. 

I read on these boards about others who have no support and I WISH i could SHARE!  not only is my FAMILY amazingly supportive, but my friends and even my coworkers....they are going to help me GUARANTEE success. 

I think I mentioned before that I was nervous about my dad not coming to the hospital to see me?  Well, I found out on Thursday night not only will he be off the day of my surgery, but also the next four days to help take care of me and things around the house, including my dogs! 

My long time best friend (pictured in one of my photos) is going to spend much of the day at the hospital, as well.  She'll be there for me, but also for my mom.  My brother's fiance has also taken off that day to spend with me.  I don't know about my brother, though.  His job is screwy.  He'll come to visit, if nothing else. 

Truth be told, I hope my new exercise regimen will help him get back in shape.  Hopefully he'll help me which will help him.  As I lose weight, if I can start to run, do sit ups, pushups, planks, yoga, pilates, weights, whatever, then I want him to be there with me. 

anyway, though rambling.  So close.  can't wait.  new life.  what a feeling.  oh!  and I lost the weight I'd gained from my food funeral.  that's got to be good, right?? :D :D 

3 days, 12 hours, 7 minutes before I have to be at the hospital.  now 6 minutes.  haha
Whoop Whoop!! 



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Surgery Date
Mar 12, 2012
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