January 2009

Jan 02, 2009

January 24, 2009
    Okay....so it isn't as cold as it has been....BUT...the wind is blowing...it is rainy and it feels colder than it is.
     We have state monitoring again this next week at school....I am going to try and not let it upset me as badly as it did a couple of weeks ago.  I just have never been through this and am anxious about what to expect.  The last visit went well....so I am going to try and remain positive and not let it interfere with my weight loss and/or the gym.
     They will come again in February....to monitor folders.  And then I hope that we are back to normal and can put this behind us for awhile.
     I went to the gym this morning and did better on that ab machine.  I actually made 10 of them before having to rest.  But then had to break it down....but managed to do 25 or 30 today.  So with time, this will get easier.
     Can you believe it?  I am FINALLY getting the rest of Christmas put away!  Gee...I was beginning to think I would just have to decorate it all for Mardi Gras!  I don't think it has ever taken me this long to put things up.  Maybe I can get someone to help me carry it all to the storage building...which is another project (organizing the storage building) I need to get finished with before it gets so hot this summer.
     I am trying to give up all carbs not on my list from Dr. Merriman....I really want to get some more weight off and tone up.  I am ready to see my body change again....Have you ever reached the point where others can see the difference...but when you look in the mirror....you just see the same person?
     I think that my husband is going to try to start going to the gym again....which if he does....maybe I will go on Friday and Sunday to walk the treadmill.  Those are the two days I ahve been taking off.

January 22, 2009
     Ok, first the lower ab machine and then tonight was my first aerobic class....since over 20 years ago...and what did I pick?  Turbokick!!!  You know what?  I did a great rendition of Steve Martin....and I made it through the class....not perfect....not all the right moves....but I did move....Yea! Me!
     We have our next visit from the state for our school system next week.  I will be glad when this is behind me. (us) 
     I am tired.  I always thought that exercise was suppose to make you feel energized...well I was doing school work last night and fell asleep typing on the computer.  I woke up an hour and a half later.  I went to bed.
     I will write more later.

January 19, 2009

OMG....the other day I had to chase one of my autistic children on the playground because they were headed for a huge mud puddle....only those of us on this site who are super obese can truly appreciate what I am fixing to say......

In the course of running....the loose skin on my lower ab section was bouncing and for goodness sake.....I SWEAR....IT SOUNDED LIKE AN 18 WHEELER HAD A FLAT AND THE RUBBER WAS FIXING TO FLY...

So, that definitely got my attention....I have been going to the gym...but not working that area....so I found my trainer and told him the problem...(I thought he was fixing to spew the drink in his mouth....but was proud that he just smiled...I did tell him to swallow.)  ha/ha

He introduced me to a new machine to include in my exercise routine.  You lay down, buckle a strap across your legs...put your hands above your head and hold the handles.........THEN raise your legs.  Easy right.....like not heaven!.....(think opposite)  there are no weights on it right now and I could do only 5....but I did 3 reps. 

So I did it again today!!!!  OMG!!!  I couldn't even lift it....He told my exercise buddy....Help her get it up.....Everyone around us just laughed....

I sure hope this machine helps.....because it is kicking my abs!!!  lol

January 3, 2009
     I love my dog.  She thinks that she is human...you ask her who she loves while sitting in your lap...she lays her head under yours.  My husband gets his boot puller out and her she comes....sitting next to him and raises her front leg so he will scratch her.  Too funny!!!
     My eyes are getting a little better.  I am still using the antibiotic drops the doctor prescribed yesterday. 
     You will never believe what happened today....my husband drove me to the grocery store and when we left...I saw an older man back up...I knew he didn't have enough room...went forward and hit someones car...and started to drive off....my husband and I drove up and tried to tell him...there was no way he didn't know...because he had to back up in order to finish getting out of the parking spot...and guys...you won't believe this....when he got out of the car....HE WAS THE SAME MAN WHO HIT OUR TRUCK IN THE IHOP PARKING LOT LAST YEAR!!!!  Go figure.
     I have done well with this fill.  I hope to continue and see the weight fall off.  I am ready to see this again...I am not disappointed...just ready to continue forward. 
     Please continue to keep my mom in prayer....she has to have an MRI now....then we will know what the next step is.  
     I am going to try to really focus on getting my water in.  I fell short this last month....and concentrate on the portion...leave out the unnecessary carbs....and do as well as others here. 
     The neat thing about this surgery for me has been....that even with everything I have been through...I have been up and down 8 pounds...but that is nothing compared to years past....and the fact that we can get back on track and keep losing.  You know....I just don't see how we can't reach goal if we want.  It will take a lot of determination....but I just can't comprehend that it can't be done.
     Have a great day.

January 2, 2009
     New Years went very well.  I played a new game (to me) called taboo.  I think that we will play that again.  Everyone enjoyed the food.  There was so much left....So I fed it to others the next day.
     That night someone asked me about my eyes being red...and I chalked it up to being tired.  By the next day, both eyes looked they were bleeding.  I didn't have "whites" in my eyes....they were completely red...not pink.  I went to the pharmacy and they said that they thought due to the weather change....I had allergies...so they told me to try a lubricating eye drop.  They said that it would burn the first use and then it would feel good.  It burned everytime..
     So I got up this morning and they were still red.  I went to the doctor....I have infection in my eyes....possibly pink eye....I asked how I got it...I wasn't at school or have been around anyone with it.  He said that you can pick up the infection from a shopping cart....I WILL BE USING WIPES BEFORE I USE THE CART!
     I have done very well with eating/drinking since my fill.  I had planned to go to the gym today...but my eyes and the fact they are infected...stopped that.  I will be back, even if it is on Monday.
     I have put off my lessons and IEP...so I have that to do the next few days.
     I truly can say that I am not dreading going back....I have enjoyed my time off for the most part....
     I look forward to great things this year....I am ready to lose more and be healthier.
     I hope that everyone had a great and safe New Year.


About Me
west monroe, LA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2005
Member Since

Friends 88

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