June 2009

Jun 18, 2009

June 30, 2009
     Mom and I went to the cancer center.  Her appointment was at 7:30.  We got up early and I cooked breakfast for us all.  We arrived at the center for 7:15.  She signed in and very shortly afterward they called her back for bloodwork.  They told her she could leave and eat breakfast.  Well, since we already did this , we waited for the oncologist.  They deciced that she would have her first treatment in the hospital.  Our first choice was the hospital close to my house.  Well, they called and couldn't get anyone in the oncology department.  Finally they received an answer.  They would not have an oncology nurse on duty until Wednesday night ... midnight.  So we had to go to our second choice.  We drove the parking lot  3 times trying to find a place to park.  Then I tried the parking garage where I always park.  Come to find out...we couldn't park there...it was closed with the exception of the ground floor...it has been condemned.  So off to find the entrance to the second garage.  We drove, and drove, and drove...clear to the 8th floor...the roof.  We parked...walked into the covered area...rode the elevator to the 7th floor... a man got on with us... the elevator got stuck between floors...finally it started moving again.  We had to walk across that parking garage and across the other garage.  Walked the skywalk to the other elevator...had to ride it downstairs...walked past ER to the other side of the hospital to another elevator in order to ride it up to the 3rd floor.  Then clear down the hall to find the oncology dept.  All this and mom not feeling well.  We turned in her paperwork and had to wait.  Sometime around 12:30 she finally was called back.  At first they were not going to let me go back with her.  But they made an exception THIS TIME.  Thank goodness she did not have a reaction to any of the chemo.  The only reaction she had was that her blood sugar went to 313 and she had to have 16 units of insulin.
June 25, 2009
     Mom went to see the surgeon today.  She will be getting a power port in the morning.  Then she will go home and rest up as much as possible.  She will come and spend Monday night with my husband and myself and start chemo on Monday.  I pray to goodness that the oncologist is a lot more compassionate once treatment begins.  I can't believe that many times on our first visit, we were shushed!

June 24, 2009

     I can't believe this month is almost over.  Where does time go?  
     Mom came in Monday for her pre-chemo CAT scans that they will use for comparison.  She either has a bug or had a reaction to the dye/or barium she had to drink.  She came in yesterday to be checked....they did bloodwork and a few other tests.  She is to come tomorrow for a consult about her port.  That will be placed either on Friday or Monday and then she will start chemo on Tuesday.
      I thought that I had found her a turban/scarf that fit exactly what she was asking for.  It was a very pretty blue with fantastic butterflies on it.  I ordered it and the day it was suppose to arrive...I had an email that they were refunding my money....they no longer sold them.  I can't find another one like it.
     Today was 98 with a heat index of 108....can you believe that?  It was so hot.  We need some rain.  The yard and flowers are not going to make it this way.  
     I went today to see my PC physician.  I had a fill last Thursday and I seem to always have a small reaction to it.  Well, this time I have a red ring, with a scab over the point it was injected and a white spot inside the circle.  My PCP said he could tell me everything it WASN'T but had no idea what it was.  He laughed and said leave it to me to be different.
     I am waiting for an email from my surgeon.
     I hope this finds everyone well and thank you to all who are keeping in touch and for your prayers.  I think this fill is one of the better I have had....I just need to find out what is going on.

June 18, 2009

     It has been a long time since I posted.  It has been a lot longer for me seeing Dr. Merriman and getting a fill.  I haven't been there since February.   It has been a tough last few months.  I spoke to Dr. Merriman about it today as I am having a difficult time dealing with all that is occurring in my life right now.  He was upbeat, sympathetic, but realistic.  He gave me some good advice...it is just hard to digest all my family is facing.
     It could have been a lot worse...I have gained around 10 pounds...there you go...you can eat around the band.  BUT it would have been much worse without this tool I have inside me.  Now to get back on track.
     I am back to liquids again...and you know...I am not hungry.  I haven't had anything since breakfast and I am not hungry.  Shouldn't that tell me something? 
     I eat emotionally.  I still am facing that monster inside of me.  I wish I was like some people that can "deal" with whatever they are facing.  If this had been true for me...I would have never been the size I had been.
    I am still very grateful for my band.  Without it....I don't know where I would be today.  The only thing I am for sure...I would have NEVER been able to make the trip to Alaska and walk like I did.  I would have never made the plane without having to buy to plane seats...and come next year...I will not need the seatbelt extension.  I would have never been able to help mom and dad like I have without being the size I am now.  I have so far to go...I am trying to stay focused on today and not past tomorrow.  Just like the old song says...One day at a time.
     I am trying to locate someone to talk with mom and me.  I know that once she starts chemo that we will have fewer questions (I hope) and that we will know more of what to expect.  Cancer is so confusing...I don't know what her chances are...but we will fight the best we can.
     School starts again on August 12th.  Where is the summer going?  I still don't know what my position will be...but I hope that I know by the beginning of July so that I can start making my plans.
    Anyway...that is how my life has been.  Probably about as scattered as this post sounds.  But as Scarlett said, "I will think about this tomorrow."

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About Me
west monroe, LA
Surgery Date
Jul 15, 2005
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