What's changed? 4.5 months out

Dec 11, 2010

Hey Beautiful People!!

  OK so last month I went on a mini vacation w/hubby, came back home only to realize I had gained about 4-5lbs in less then a week....wth !? Don't get me wrong I knew I was eating whatever but damn 5lbs in a week, how's that even possible! Then to top it off I ended up in a stale for about a month or so and couldn't get the weight gained off but today I weighted in and I'm back to 211 lbs...THANK YOU JESUS !!! I was starting to think I ruined something.

Anyhoo, I have to get real with myself... I now know what ppl mean when they say RNY is just a TOOL to assist in weight-loss. I thought by having WLS, I would no longer be able to eat the things I loved but boy was I wrong!
I am one of the few I guess that can eat just about whatever, I'm talking about candy bars, birthday cake, ice cream, fried chicken, pasta and not too mention wine and cocktails and the list goes on. I've also found that now I have a higher tolerance for alcohol and I hate that too, I'll have a drink and feel good for about 15-20mins and then all of a sudden I feel as if I never had a drink...wtf..anybody else experience that? 

Don't get me wrong... I know just b/c I can eat it doesn't mean I SHOULD eat it!  Emotional eating has always been an issue for me and I realize that having RNY is not going to fix that so I am trying to work on other areas that will assist me in doing what's right for me. After the weight gain scare I am back to doing what's best for me...back to basics... protein 1st, supplements and finally beginning to work out! Off to a fresh start for 2011 !!

SN: Got fitted for new bras, I'm still a DDD went from a tight 44DDD to a 40DDD, shirts are a Large and jeans vary from a 14-16  from a tight 20/22 !!

Wishing all my beautiful ppl a happy and safe holiday!!

God Bless



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Dec 12, 2009
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