Every new journey begins with one step...

Aug 29, 2010


Struggled to get up early this morning for my walk. Knowing our daughter was coming over to walk with me was the motivation I needed but I still grumbled a bit as I made my way down stairs.  Happy to say, down another pound (10 total while on liquids, 14 total from highest weight).  My head doesn't know how to process this weight loss which is happening so quickly, 10 lbs in 7 days. Seriously, unbelievable!  

I have to say, letting people know my weight, or highest weight is like walking naked through the a crowded building.  It's so difficult to put yourself out there like that. Weight = taboo.   But it's ok, I'm proud to say I did it, my husband, family and certain friends now know how much I weighed. I owned it.  There is no more hiding and it feels good to be free of that guilt.  Yes, being overweight carries a lot of guilt.  This is now a new beginning to guilt free living. (lightbulb moment!)

10 more days until my surgery (9.9.10), which means 10 more days on this liquid protein diet. I'm managing to meet the protein requirements, but still at about 700 calories / day.  This morning we walked 1.98 miles (Thank you RunKeeper) at a 19.51 min pace.  So I've already seen improvement in how fast I can walk.   YAY me!

Yesterday was very strange, I was dizzy every time I stood up.  I haven't experienced the dizziness this morning ::knocking on wood:::  so hopefully yesterday was just an off day. 

Met with a nice woman who had VSG in 10/09.  She doesn't live too far from me and we may try to meet again post surgery. It was good to connect with someone who has gone through this.  I will also try to get to the next support group up at Lake Norman once the surgery is completed.  It's a bit of a drive, it's the 3rd Wed. of each month at 6pm which means that I'm driving with the traffic up to the Lake.  A 45 min drive can take 1:15 or more so I'd have to leave work early to get there by 6pm.  I know, excuses...  unfortunately it's not as convenient as I would like but I will go and participate, share and learn.

I'm really looking forward to my friend coming from California.  I miss her terribly since she's moved.  She's coming to take care of me for 3 days post-op. 

Well, here's to a happy Monday and beginning of another week!   Onward and upward.  :)


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Surgery Date
Jun 05, 2008
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