15 days post-op (RNY)

Jun 07, 2014

Today marked 15 days since RNY. The scale is moving about an average of 1 lb per day. I am allowed to get into the pool again so I believe that will kick the weight loss up a notch and things will go even better.

Every day I attempt to eat something new on my puree list in the surgeon's manual.

This year I am very lucky. The YMCA I belong to is now allowing us to get into the public pool for free with our full membership. I plan on spending a lot of time getting some color this summer, while getting that swimming in. I sat there at the pool today with some dark tanning oil on and ended up with a nasty sunburn. I really need a bottle of Aloe right now.I have not gotten a good tan in many years. I am trying to do things that make me feel better about myself so going to the pool should be helpful.

At this point, I am easily getting my required protein in. I am always lacking in calories though. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get in calories with little protein?

I have been using my regular blender for pureeing but really would appreciate a Magic Bullet. It would be so much easier with one of those. A lot of food gets wasted in a big blender because it splatters all over the pitcher inside and gets underneath the blades. A Magic Bullet is a must-have for this stage, in my opinion.

The oddest problem I have since surgery is getting a taste in my mouth that tastes like blood or metallic something or another. If I am in the car or something, I usually try to wash the taste out with my Crystal Light Lemonade but then I get a sulfur taste in my mouth. It is pretty gross. Someone told me it has to do with iron and is normal. It is not pleasant but I can deal with it. Are you dealing with this also?

I am now down 68 lbs (53 pre-op) and feeling great. I am wearing 26/28 right now and very happy about it. Every day I anxiously await them feeling too big though. My swimsuit was kind of big in the butt today. (I really, really, really need to work on getting some muscle in my butt. It hurts to sit now.) I have been looking for suits in every size but so far have not seen anything that doesn't cost an arm and your first born. The search continues.

Confession time: Since I have had my surgery, I have not taken any of my depression or anxiety medications. I honestly do not feel any worse for doing this. My family has not complained so I know it is not apparent. I am not snapping at anyone and my memory is better than when I was taking that stuff. I want to keep my life as healthy and natural as possible. If I feel myself sliding, I will definitely take the meds out of the drawer but for now I want to try to stay high on life and enjoy these changes my body is going through. I know my mind will improve as I go along. I am always smiling since surgery. I am so dang happy! I always said my weight problem is the core of my depression. I don't have that trapped feeling anymore. I feel freer and I feel like I have hope to live normally again one day without the hang-up of excessive weight weighing me down.

Time to go for a walk. Thanks for reading!


About Me
Surgery Date
Apr 23, 2014
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