No exercise = frustrated ! & The 4 Hour Body

Jul 16, 2011

Mmmm - I guess this is a new area for me - I'm officially frustrated at not being able to exercise !  NEVER did I think that a 'formerly fattie' (aka ME !) - would be complaining about lack of exercise - but there you have it - it's true !

I've had two sets of plastic surgery - TT with muscle repair and breast lift 2 1/2 months ago and an inner thigh lift and arm lift 5 weeks ago.  My surgeon is very strict on resuming exercise after surgery and has a 2 month block - so by the time I'm cleared for exercise from the second round of surgery it will be almost 5 months since I've been able to exercise and I normally would exercise at least 5 days a week.

So - technically I'm cleared now for exercise of my abdominal muscles - but have you ever tried to exercise your tummy without using your arms and legs ? slightly difficult if not near impossible !! I guess I didn't think that through when I was staging my surgeries - but I guess it would be difficult to stage tummy and thighs together as there are opposing forces with the surgeries - and also I don't think that I would fancy having the two surgeries together - particularly as I'm going through a tough recovery with my thighs.  Seriously the arms and breast are such a walk in the park compared to the thigh lift !

(I am walking - but having to restrict this to indoor walking in the malls as it's really hot here and I'm still wearing compression garments -making it hotter - and I still have healing incisions on my thighs so have to go careful - and frankly walking doesn't do it for me - I like to get hot & sweaty and get my heart rate really high - and walking doesn't do this for me anymore)

I guess I'm frustrated as :

a) I'm really missing exercise - I miss the physical exertion and the routine
b) I miss the fantastic feel good feeling that I get when I've finished
c) I'm losing muscle definition in my arms, legs and abs - something which I worked really hard to get through a heap of exercise
d) I'm missing the sense of achievement at challenging my body to do more - higher intensity/lift heavier weight/run faster/run further etc

So there you have it - I'm missing exercise and am becoming body vane !  

I guess as I've got slimmer and fitter I have become much more aware of my body shape and composition - and was beginning to like how I looked in the mirror (with the exception of the fat and excess skin which I've now dealt with).  I liked the muscle tone and definition I was beginning to shape - and whilst I know the muscles are still there - they are not as defined - HOWEVER - I know they'll come back when I'm cleared for exercise - so I'll just have to be patient and wait up for being cleared in approx 1 months time.  In the meantime I'll spend some time doing research on new exercise routines and planning a programme to get me running again and how to improve my timing for the next 1/2 marathon I've entered in Feb next year.

I'm also reading Tim Ferris - the 4 Hour Body
which is quite interesting - see the strapline below !

An Uncommon Guide to Rapid Fat-Loss, Incredible Sex, and Becoming Superhuman

