I need help appealing to Healthlink Great West on an age restriction (25).

I was denied by Healthlink Great West (being reviewed by One Health Plan) because they have an age requirement of 25. I am putting together my appeal letter and need some help on how to address this age issue. I am 21 (22 in May) and know that my health will be much deteriorated by 25 if I don't get the surgery now. My surgeon will not see me until I am approved, so they tell me I am not a patient of his until I see him and cannot help. My PCP has no openings until June to see me (that is too late) and I can only speak to her nurse on the phone. My doctor doesn't return phone calls because "she has to pick up her kids at school at 3 and doesn't have time to call." I told the nurse the situation and she said that she didn't know if my doctor would be comfortable in writing an appeal letter. I think I am relying on my letter alone (as I will not use Walter Lindstrom until absolutely necessary, I cannot afford him) to appeal this. Please help! You can email me if needed. I would appreciate it! Thank you! Erin [email protected]

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