9 Days Post Op, no change in routine- Why did I dump??

Hi guys, I am 9 days post-op LAP RNY and last night was BAAAAAAAD. I think I had my first dumping experience. I did my normal routine, protein shake, water ect..was up kind of late, around 12am, then I went and took my zinc, A&D and Calcium (this is the first time I've had the zinc and A&D, the Calcium I did all day yesterday fine with no problems.) I took all these together. About 1/2 hour later my stomach started to hurt. Soon after I started sweating, then had terrible diarreha, then I went and woke up my hubby, as I was getting terrible hot flashes, my stomach pain was increasing, and I thought "Oh shit, I have a bowel obstruction!". My poor hubby sat on the tub while I sat on the toilet clutching a plastic bag and practically in tears. I finally went and layed on the couch, in excruciating abdomanal pain, sweating and moaning. My hubby sat with me the whole time, holding my hand and wiping me down with cool cloths. He said he knew I was dumping, but I could not understand WHY, I didn't cheat on my liquid diet, have been SOOO faithful, not even licked my fingers after cutting up the baby's food! So why did I dump? Was it the A&D, Calcium and Zinc all together? I'm terrified to touch the A&D and Zinc now, this is an experience I DO NOT want to repeat, it was as painful as my kidney stones right after my twins were born. Didn't even get to put sugar in my mouth, and if sugar does THAT, I will never even TRY to cheat and eat sugar. Anyone have any ideas? I'm wiped out today! Jenn RNY June 11th@Duke 297/284/145

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