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Obesity & Me

Describe your behavioral and emotional battle with weight control before learning about bariatric surgery.

My dad is a Baker and my sisters and I have always been heavyset. Not to say that its his fault but we were just kids. Why bring that stuff home? My father had RNY about 7yrs ago and is doing awesome. Emotionally I was a wreck til about a week after surgery. Even now Im only 3weeks postop but losing 30lbs in such a short period of time has me on an extremely good high. I know that everythings gonna be great now. I was diagnosed with MS a year after I had my twin boys and my neuro told me if i wanted to live a long and healthy life that i have to live an active lifestyle. This surgery will help me do that. I always tried losing weight before and never got past a 15lb loss.

What was (is) the worst thing about being overweight?

Worst thing about being overweight was basically everything. I was in an abusive relationship w the father of my children and never left due to the fact that i thought i was horrendous and nobody else would want me. I couldn't wear anything nice without waiting for payday..ugh I mean I love Lane Bryant and Avenue but theyre sooo expensive. Never would I take my boys to an amusement park or anything like that because I knew I wouldnt fit in anything.

If you have had weight loss surgery already, what things do you most enjoy doing now that you weren't able to do before?

Now even though ive only lost 30lbs in almost 3weeks I take my boys to the park and actually play with them and not just sit on the sidelines. Im looking forward to doing many more fun things with my babies..O yea and my stomach used to rub against the steering wheel when i drove haha not anymore damn it!

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