Tim Wheeler

Bariatric Surgeon
Rating: 5.0 out of 5 with 55 ratings

Tim Wheeler Bariatric Surgeon MD

12 yr Experience

15 yr in Bariatrics

15 yr in Laparoscopic Surgery

12 yr in Laparoscopic Bariatrics

85% Practice is Bariatrics

Min Age of Patient is 18

Max Age of Patient is 80

Deana Milum Profile Pic
Deana Milum
Director of Surgical Services
Tammy Denton Profile Pic
Tammy Denton
Kevin Miller Profile Pic
Kevin Miller
Lisa Huff Profile Pic
Lisa Huff
Sue Ross Profile Pic
Sue Ross

55 Reviews for Tim Wheeler
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When I 1st met Dr. Wheeler was at the weight loss information session. He seemed very articulate and seemed very knowledgeable about the Lap Band. I'm extremely excited that I have found a doctor in my area who has his qualifications and is willing to help me out. The program that he is associated with is new but seems to be very organized. I have my 1st appointment soon and I will let you know after that.

I've had my surgery and Dr. Wheeler was awesome. He came by everyday, was very supportive and he ask me how i feel. He allowes me to give him an idea when i feel that i'm ready to return to work.


I met with my surgeon for the first time today and my first impression of him was really great. He seems to be very informative and knowledgeable. His office staff was terrific! You would love Deana the Coordinator. She is one of those people that you feel like you've known for years and you could sit down and talk to her about anything. I can honestly say I feel that I've made a good decision choosing Dr. Wheeler and his staff for my bariatric surgery. You know what they say a first impression last a lifetime!!!


He truly is the most caring Dr. that i have ever met.I had my surgery on Tues.the 15th and he was so concerned how i was doing the whole time I was in there He is AWESOME
I would recommend him to anyone that is having this surgery.His staff is great also I could not have pick a better surgeon or hosiptal


Had my first consult today. Dr. Wheeler was great, has a sense of humor and answers all your questions. Staff very kind, helpful and concerned. I felt at home. Will let you know how the insurance and everything goes as soon as I find out. Even if I am denied, I felt like I was treated well and was worth my money.


I can only speak for my personal experience, but Dr. Tim Wheeler performed my adjustable lap band, and words do not express what an excellent surgeon I believe he is. He was very frank and informative about the surgery up front, but was also very concerned and caring throughout the pre and post surgery period. I had surgery on Tuesday, and had complications shortly after the surgery which required another surgery on Wednesday, but I went home on Thursday and returned to work the following Monday. I did not have to take any pain medication after the surgery, and I haven't had any nausea or ill effects. His staff has been excellent, especially Deana and Anna. I was his first patient since he moved to Ashland, and the weight loss program is just being set up there, but he and his staff had communicated with me regularly, and he has made me feel that I can contact him any time with any questions I might have. My experience has been excellent, and I believe it is a result of his excellent surgical skill and aftercare program. He is a great surgeon with great bedside manner. On a scale of 1-10, I give him a 10.

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