Tag Archive: bariatric diet

good vs bad foods after WLS 2

Good vs Bad Foods After WLS, a Dietician’s Perspective

December 4, 2017 · 0 comments

“I heard that bananas were bad so that’s why I don’t eat them.” “I know that avocados are bad because they are full of fat.” “Potatoes and bread are bad, so I stay away from them.” Are There Good vs Bad Foods After WLS? As a bariatric program dietitian, I

Calories To Watch After WLS

Re-Think What You Drink: Sneaky Calories To Watch After WLS

November 13, 2017 · 0 comments

When it comes to life and diet after weight loss surgery, every calorie counts. Calorie intake is reduced after surgery and it is important to make sure you are getting your nutrition from food and not empty calories from what you are drinking. Always read the nutrition label, even on

superfood swap

5 Healthy Superfood Swaps You Can Make

July 14, 2016 · 0 comments

If you’re anything like me, when you hear the term “superfood” you immediately think of a woman named Opal Storm Flower, making Wheat Grass shots at the local juice bar. Superfood to me was just a fancy word that I couldn’t even afford to think about, let alone explore. However, there is