Tag Archive: calorie intake

Re-Define Comfort Foods

3 Ways to Re-Define Comfort Foods

May 26, 2021 · 0 comments

What comes to mind when you think of comfort food? For some, it is savory, salty, and crunchy, and for others smooth, creamy, and sweet. Chances are when you are feeling stressed, tired, anxious, or angry, a very clear picture of your comfort food comes to mind. In fact, it

mind over platter

Mind Over Platter

October 31, 2012 · 0 comments

Over the last 30 years, obesity rates have sky rocketed. This jump in obesity may not only be due to what we are eating now, but how much more we are eating now versus 30 years ago. In their book The 9-Inch“Diet”: Exposing The Big Conspiracy in America, Alex Bogusky