Tag Archive: Christina Rowan

Eating and Living Without Shame

Beginning the Journey to Eating (and Living) Without Shame

January 5, 2022 · 0 comments

Eating and Living Without Shame: What Is Shame? Shame. It’s a popular topic in the blogging world right now. We’ve all heard of it. There’s talk of body shame, fat-shaming, and shame spirals. But what is shame, exactly? Is it an emotion? An action? A thought? And can it really

End Emotional Eating 2

How to End Emotional Eating by Decoding Triggers

December 14, 2020 · 0 comments

If you are trying to end emotional eating and heal your relationship with food, then this article is for you! As a psychologist specializing in weight management, I have heard this said by countless patients: “If someone would just tell me what to eat, I could lose this weight.” It

body image 1

Body Image & Weight Loss Surgery: What Is It, & Why Is It Important?

November 4, 2019 · 0 comments

When I first met her before weight loss surgery, “Beth” (not her real name) was excited and hopeful that losing 150 pounds would give her a new lease on life. Specifically, she thought that losing weight would improve her self-esteem, give her the self-confidence she’d never had, and make her

trauma past and present

How Trauma Past and Present Can Sabotage Your WLS Success

April 18, 2018 · 0 comments

How Trauma Past and Present Can Sabotage Your WLS Success: Trauma describes a person’s emotional reaction to a significantly threatening or devastating event. Although trauma reactions can be different for every person, they often involve feelings of shock, unpredictable or rapidly changing emotions, intrusive memories, difficulties with personal relationships, anxiety,