Tag Archive: Compulsive eating

Shame After Compulsive Eating

The Guilt and Shame After Compulsive Eating

March 6, 2023 · 0 comments

Ugh! The guilt and shame that after compulsive eating episodes can be downright debilitating. You promised yourself you wouldn’t engage in that seemingly out-of-control behavior ever again. But you did. And then the equally upsetting berating of yourself occurs. You say (or think) horribly abusive things to yourself, calling yourself

Anxiety and Compulsive Eating

Understand the Anxiety and Compulsive Eating Connection

March 9, 2022 · 0 comments

Understand the Anxiety and Compulsive Eating Connection: As a survival mechanism, the human brain is hard-wired with the instinct to eat in response to hunger cues. Beginning in infancy, the brain rewards eating with “feel good” neurochemicals that produce a sense of pleasure. As children grow, feelings that are more

grazing behavior

Effect of Grazing Behavior on Weight Regain Post-Bariatric Surgery

November 3, 2021 · 0 comments

Bariatric surgery is considered one of the best treatments for severe obesity; however, it is not a quick fix and still involves changes to one’s diet and lifestyle. Anyone who has had bariatric surgery can attest to it; that it is not the “easy way out.” Making healthy choices and

Anxiety, Overeating and Weight Loss: How to Manage

August 10, 2018 · 0 comments

Anxiety is extremely common among patients who are considering bariatric surgery. In a recent study, over 80% of pre-surgical bariatric patients met criteria for a psychiatric diagnosis (anxiety, depression). Of those patients with a psychiatric disorder, 46% had anxiety (Duarte-Guerra, et al., 2015). People with untreated anxiety with overeating and weight

tips for compulsive eating melissa bailey

7 Tips to Overcome Compulsive Eating

January 18, 2017 · 0 comments

Weight loss surgery (WLS) is a wonderful thing.  It gives people their life back.  I often hear stories of how people were able to stop all kinds of medications after surgery.  They get their health back.  They can get on airplanes without seat extenders and can finally go to the

reduce emotional eating

Tips to Understand and Reduce Emotional Eating

March 25, 2016 · 0 comments

Food companies know food is not just used for fuel, which is why they spend billions of dollars on advertisements that remind us that food can mean happiness, fun, and even love and happy relationships. Weight loss companies also know this, so they work to tell us that they have